Golf knowledge




To generate power in the swing, we need to make an effective and powerful shift in body weight

When amateur golfers try to shift their weight, they sometimes swing away from the golf ball instead of turning around and transferring their weight.

If you “sway off” your backswing, you must redirect your body back to the golf ball before impact, which can lead to uneven shots and possible long-term injuries.

What is the weight shift in the swing?

Weight shifting is the movement of weight from one side of the body to the other in the sequence of the swing. During the swing, we ideally want the weight to shift from the center of gravity to the right-hand side of your body in the backswing and from the right-hand side to the left in the downswing.

When you shift your weight back in the swing, you allow your body to fully turn and accumulate energy that can be released during the downswing, resulting in a more even and efficient movement.

This may sound very complicated, but the simple exercise will help you maintain a dynamic center of gravity on the golf ball while shifting your weight and executing the full backswing.

This is an illustration of your "Sway-off" in backswing.


Figure 1A- “Sway off” in the backswing

Figure 1B- Ball falling during the backswing

Exercises with the ball help you limit "Sway-off" and perform better rotation and body weight transfer.


Figure 2A - Perform rotation and weight transfer of the body during the swing

Figure 2B – Keeping the ball above during the backswing

Wishing golfers effective practice!

Source: PGA coach Paul Herselman at TGH Tuan Chau, Quang Ninh.


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